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Terme Caronte S.p.A. has always been committed to developing a policy of ethics, legality and respect for principles and rules of conduct. Since 2009 it has implemented Model 231 and has appointed the Supervisory Body required by law, making its organization increasingly compliant.  


Right away:

Organizational Model Special Part

Organizational Model General Part

Ethical code


Terme Caronte S.p.A., in compliance with the provisions of Law no. 24/23 and Directive (EU) 2019/1937 “Whistleblowing”, has adapted its organization to the regulatory provisions regarding reporting of offences.

To this end, we inform you that, to guarantee total protection and protection, your personal data will not be processed with the exception of data voluntarily provided by you. In this case they will be processed in compliance with the GDPR and the current Italian privacy code.


Right away:

Whistleblowing procedure

Privacy information on data processing

PTo make a report clickhere

Terme Caronte S.p.A.
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